
I Feel Like A Newborn

So, I am just awful about keeping up with more than five things. I truly feel bad that I have let my communications with the outside world fall apart. For those who I haven't talked to in what feels like forever, a lot has changed. I am officially starting my big kid life. I am a teacher - that means I qualify for all those awesome teacher discounts!

So I will be periodically updating my blog now to show you all the neat things that I am doing so everyone can be in my loop. I will try to be better about texting, emailing, snail mailing and calling but for a while this will probably be the best way to see what in the world I am up too.

I am teaching at two schools in the Houston area. One is an Environmental Science Magnet Elementary School - Garden Oaks Elementary, where I am a teacher's assistant in a Montessori class (a very important role) and the other is a brand spanking new private school - Heritage Oaks School, where I am the art teacher.

I am so excited to be apart of both of these schools, it really is an amazing opportunity for me.

Garden Oaks Elementary is a Montessori School. Now what is that you are wondering. The Webster definition of Montessori is:

A system of education for young children that seeks to develop natural interests and activities rather than use formal teaching methods.
Essentially we teach to the whole child, and each child receives an individualized education where those who are fast pace learners can excel and those who take their time don't feel the pressure to always play catch up. We also teach leadership,and peaceful problem solving skills. Which is so important to shape the future community. In the classroom there are 1st through 3rd graders. You are probably wondering how does that work? Well each student has their own work plan and works individually but as a group all at the same time. It really is just amazing what these kids can accomplish if you just let them explore and in a facilitated environment.

At Heritage Oaks School it is a project- based learning school. We adhere to the National Core Standards, all of our learning is done through collaboration and projects - sounds like an art teachers dream school. In my art class I only have two fifth graders so far! They are very talented and driven students. I can not wait to start posting their work so everyone can see their progress. Since it is a brand new private school there are only five total students! It is so wonderful to be able to give them the attention they need at the beginning of the year. At the school we are teaching them leadership, problem-solving, and how to take care of the environment. A lot of the work is student research driven but teacher facilitated, a lot of the learning is placed upon the student and they are encouraged to compile research and then apply it to real world problems - like growing a vegetable garden.

I am so excited to be a part of both these schools. But that is not the only thing that I have been doing. You are probably wondering where is she living?!?! Well currently at my parents house, which is so chaotic if I might add. There are five people (Tyler is here with me), four dogs, my two house horses, and my parents house ponies, and two cats. Luckily my parents have a very nicely sized house and we can all have our own space. Hopefully by mid- September, I will be living in the tiny three room apartment above my parents shop. They are so graciously remodeling it so it can be livable. When I moved here we to literally pull plaster off the walls down to the studs, replace all the studs, doors, some window frames, ceiling joists, floors and all the electrical and plumbing. It is a big project but we are getting closer and closer to the finish line!

So keep checking back, because this will become my space to tell the world about all the wonderful happenings. Also I will try to post fun things around Houston - since I am very well connected now.

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