
New Things and Accomplishments

Well this week has been busy, busy, busy, busy! And this coming week will be busy, busy, busy!

For starters Tyler is starting his NEW job on Monday! We are both very excited, Saturday was his official last day as a parts salesman! WOOHOO! No more working as a grunt for him. He is starting at a newish company called Houston Texas Consulting - they are a part of a national chain. Essentially he will be selling businesses to other businesses - kind of like when we walk into a grocery store, the grocery store is the middle man between the producer and us the consumer. They are along the lines of marketing and consulting.  We are both very excited that we get to have weekends together - after having been together for almost six years and never having a full weekend together. It's a BFD.

Monday is just a big day for the both of us. I got to meet my first graders at Garden Oaks Elementary on Friday, Monday, I get to meet the rest of the little people I will be teaching! I'm very excited to see how everything falls into place. And on Tuesday my students at Heritage Oaks will be finishing up their first assignment, so hopefully I will have some photos for you so you can see their clever work.

I have also been dieting - why is Liz dieting??! Well when you are uncomfortable in your own skin, something needs to change so I have done a complete sugar/fast sugar detox. Wait. Doesn't Liz eat healthy all the time? No she does not. But I am on the right track - again. I have also found that I am allergic,to peanut butter, not just sensitive, allergic, (probably the culprit for a lot of my problems lately). So for those of you who know I have had some weird health issues - like putting on 10 lbs rapidly and almost with out explanation, but I have managed to lose 7 of those pounds and closer to my original weight. I have officially made it one week with out sugar! I feel great. My skin is looking alot better. The only down side is the bodies detox process has made my nose runny :( but that is almost gone!

So far my favorite food to eat is, spaghetti squash with tomato, onion, red pepper, a dash of cayenne, black pepper and some sea salt :) and steamed unsweetened vanilla almond milk!

Check back there will be a big announcement on Friday!

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