
Looks at what my Art Kids are doing!

They made masks for dance.

Working hard on their garden labels.
Their assignment was to create garden labels. We then sketched out our ideas, and chose our favorite sketches. Then we laid them out carefully on our wooden spoons and used a wood burner to burn our designs.

Each student was assigned three plants, and asked to do two sketches of each plant. They did a wonderful job. They are all very excited to be using a new tool, other than a pencil.

We talked about the lines we would use, and the
shapes that make up the plant parts. We discovered quickly it was easy to draw once we thought about the basic shape of the object we were drawing.

Dog Circus

This week has been a dog circus. On top of my parents one dog, one cat, my two dogs, my one cat, we have acquired two homeless pets. That makes a total of five dogs and two cats. It is literally a zoo here. The old of the two homeless dogs is around a year. She is very sweet, very smart and she wiggles! We have named her Sandy, or Wiggles when she gets super excited. She is currently looking for a home!

The puppy has a harrowing story. On Friday when the decided to wonder into our lives at my parents shop. He and sandy wondered off while the shop picked up and got super busy so no one was able to keep a watchful eye as they crossed the street to investigate the gas station dumpster. As they were coming back, he got hit by a speeding car. Luckily a pedestrian pulled him to the side of the road and laid him in the grass. We quickly realized he was alive and my mom and Tyler rushed him to the ER and saved his life. He has some neurological brain damage which is affecting his reflexes and movement a little. That hasn't stopped him from playing though!

On top of this circus, my little kid cooties have not gone away yet. So I am throwing in the towel and going to the doctor this evening. Hopefully, he wont feel the need to drug me up too bad.

My new car is AMAZING it goes ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. I still need to post a picture I promise its coming but I have to wash it and wax it - which requires me being well. Maybe tomorrow. 


U.S.S. Serenity

The U.S.S Serenity is set to make it's first OFFICIAL launch this weekend. I finally aquired a beautiful car - it came with a few issues but those are being aired out! I am so excited I will post a picture as soon as she is ready for her official debut! It was very amusing I get a text from Tyler that says "So we got the car, but there is a huge problem! It is a standard!" The first thought that ran through my mind was "Shit, I have to learn how to drive a stick in two hours so I can make sure that I can drive this car to and from work! IN TRAFFIC NO LESS, how am I going to do that!" So when he got home I quickly realized that it was not a standard in the standard sense. It is a standard transmission, but the car shifts it automatically - that being said I can shift it if I want but the car probably does a better job. Very neat technology!

This week has been so far the least stressful week since I moved back to Houston. I have finally realized the things that are in my control versus the things that aren't. Such as the quickness my apartment gets finished I understand that I can help, and that would speed the process along. The only thing is that my time is occupied full time by my teaching jobs, and I love that!

Kids in both my classes say funny things. My favorite quote from art this week was "If you can draw a squiggly line then you can pretty much draw Swiss Chard." I love those kinds of connections!
My favorite quote from the Montessori School was "This math problem is making me nervous can you please help me?" SO sweet and so innocent! I couldn't help myself to help. We worked through it and the student quickly realized that it wasn't such a big deal after all!

I often remind my students that sometimes we just need to take a step back - especially when we have done a lot of work and take a moment to breathe. Some times we just get so wrapped up in our work that it stresses us out then we get to a problem and suddenly we can't solve it. So it is very important to take that deep breath and take a moment and breathe!

Tyler quit his job at Houston Texas Consulting - he was very unhappy. Not his style of work honestly. So he made a strong proposal and case for my parents to hire him. This was his first week - and so far he has done very well. He made a big sell already and is catching on quick. But most importantly he is enjoying himself! and able to apply his knowledge that he acquired while in school. It is so nice to be able to see that big smile on his face when he comes home. 


Just Plain Cool

I want to open up with some very cool things about nature.

I love taking pictures of things with texture, or that perceive to have texture. I also find it amusing to take pictures of the colors of fruit. 
Downtown Houston and a Bald Cypress - in White Oak Bayou

A very delicious cantaloupe

Graffiti Eggplant
And lastly as I was sitting here enjoying my snack - because more than likely I wont eat dinner I watched a spider snare it's prey and tangle it up in its web. It was quite amusing. I was so much in awe I forgot to video tape it. Here is the aftermath though!

Also I am getting my car this week! Don't worry as soon as it is in my posession I will post a picture of it's glorious beauty! I am so excited! Also I am getting over my cooties infection, thank goodness. I love little kids, but they are so disease ridden!


Depending upon too many people + car buying + going on two months with out a paycheck + taking care of 26 children - living with family - supportive fiance/one person = stress

Funny things first.
Bella went into heat on Sunday. It was a source of amusement as we were all grieving the loss of our friend. It was quite hilarious as she stuck her butt into all the animals faces, and rolled around on the ground desperately trying to attract a mate. So she got spayed. I officially own only it's now. Hooray! I will see if I can get the video to load of her bizarre behaviors. She is also quite the sweet little kitten when she is on painkillers - and she likes them too. Thank you SNAP!

Tyler's things second.
I admit, Tyler can ride faster than me, but I think it might have something to do with he has a bigger bike, bigger muscles, and more gears than I do. More gears means less effort for power out put. Tyler had some issues that were quickly fixed, like most novices we forget just how much our feet will swell when we ride 20+ miles. Bike shoes are designed to be hard and to support your entire foot as you are only pushing with one part - hard sole = using the whole foot where as a soft soled shoe will only allow you to use one part of your foot, which means you would be in pain a lot faster. Also we discovered that my perfect fiance is pigeon toed. Which means when he stands his feet point outwards, so when you are clipped into to your pedals your shoe cleats are holding your foot down, which if you are pigeon toed means there is unnecessary outward force on your knee, which means it will hurt after you stop riding. And it will hurt a lot. Also his butt needs to get used to riding - which takes about 100 miles. So guess what we are doing this weekend!

Tyler also got his territory yesterday! Hooray! He is basically a cold seller - which means he just walks into the business and says "I have this product to offer you and here is why you need it/or why it is better" So far he has only definite maybes - I think that is a wonderful start for his first day. Today is his second day - I am keeping my fingers crossed and my positive energy with him today!

Liz things third.
The pressure of being broke, driving someone elses vehicle, and not having a watch that can keep time is stressful. Apparently the person who filed my papers at the HR in HISD quit. So my paperwork got lost in the jumble, and to top that off the payroll program at my Elementary school isn't working correctly so those two things combined together means that I have not been paid. Which means I am broke. I also have not been paid by Heritage Oaks - but that is monthly, which is fine.

The novelty of driving a '85 Mercedes-Benz has worn off. I am in the process of trying to acquire a new vehicle - which is proving more stressful than I thought it would be. I am most certain that I will get the loan.

Also my watch likes to either be really fast or really slow it can't make up its mind. Which stresses me out. Wearing a watch stresses me out - but I need it because I'm constantly looking at what time it is for my students. Literally every five minutes. It is amazing how fast these little people can complete work some times.

I need to remember that they don't know what I know, and should stop expecting them to have the knowledge of a college graduate. But they always surprise me - like a first grader telling a third grader today who the Mayor of Houston was - which I didn't know until last November. I am so behind on Houston politics.



This weekend has been full of ups and downs. 

My dog Taffy - who I've known for thirteen and half full years passed away. We knew she wasn't going to make it through the weekend, but knowing that I missed her by only a couple of minutes was the hardest part. My favorite memory of her was when I first got her. My dad used to work at a dealer ship out in Sealy, TX and one of the customers brought a truck full of puppies. I knew from the moment that I saw her, I was hers. So I immediately called my mom - who was teaching high school at the time and probably interrupted her class to ask if I could get this puppy. She asked what kind of dog it was and I told her and she said she would think about it. I think by this point my dad had already made up his mind that we would be taking this cute fuzz ball home. She was a fuzz ball. Not being able to give this guy a firm yes or no he left and gave my dad his number and said to call when we made our minds up. Finally my mom said, yes but that I would have to walk her and feed her and do all the training and puppy stuff. When the guy finally got back, I could hear Taffy crying in the back of the pick up and soon as she saw me again she quieted down and wagged her tail, love at first sight. Taffy was an amazing dog. She loved puddles, treats, chasing squirrels and cats, eating gross things, she loved the dog park, long walks. Storms frightened her but she always found solace in her family. She protected and herded us around, nipped our ankles, and chased us. Worlds best dog. 


Race Red

Tyler got his new bike! Can't wait to get him some riding shoes and race him!

It's so shiny!