
Dog Circus

This week has been a dog circus. On top of my parents one dog, one cat, my two dogs, my one cat, we have acquired two homeless pets. That makes a total of five dogs and two cats. It is literally a zoo here. The old of the two homeless dogs is around a year. She is very sweet, very smart and she wiggles! We have named her Sandy, or Wiggles when she gets super excited. She is currently looking for a home!

The puppy has a harrowing story. On Friday when the decided to wonder into our lives at my parents shop. He and sandy wondered off while the shop picked up and got super busy so no one was able to keep a watchful eye as they crossed the street to investigate the gas station dumpster. As they were coming back, he got hit by a speeding car. Luckily a pedestrian pulled him to the side of the road and laid him in the grass. We quickly realized he was alive and my mom and Tyler rushed him to the ER and saved his life. He has some neurological brain damage which is affecting his reflexes and movement a little. That hasn't stopped him from playing though!

On top of this circus, my little kid cooties have not gone away yet. So I am throwing in the towel and going to the doctor this evening. Hopefully, he wont feel the need to drug me up too bad.

My new car is AMAZING it goes ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. I still need to post a picture I promise its coming but I have to wash it and wax it - which requires me being well. Maybe tomorrow. 

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