

This weekend has been full of ups and downs. 

My dog Taffy - who I've known for thirteen and half full years passed away. We knew she wasn't going to make it through the weekend, but knowing that I missed her by only a couple of minutes was the hardest part. My favorite memory of her was when I first got her. My dad used to work at a dealer ship out in Sealy, TX and one of the customers brought a truck full of puppies. I knew from the moment that I saw her, I was hers. So I immediately called my mom - who was teaching high school at the time and probably interrupted her class to ask if I could get this puppy. She asked what kind of dog it was and I told her and she said she would think about it. I think by this point my dad had already made up his mind that we would be taking this cute fuzz ball home. She was a fuzz ball. Not being able to give this guy a firm yes or no he left and gave my dad his number and said to call when we made our minds up. Finally my mom said, yes but that I would have to walk her and feed her and do all the training and puppy stuff. When the guy finally got back, I could hear Taffy crying in the back of the pick up and soon as she saw me again she quieted down and wagged her tail, love at first sight. Taffy was an amazing dog. She loved puddles, treats, chasing squirrels and cats, eating gross things, she loved the dog park, long walks. Storms frightened her but she always found solace in her family. She protected and herded us around, nipped our ankles, and chased us. Worlds best dog. 

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