
U.S.S. Serenity

The U.S.S Serenity is set to make it's first OFFICIAL launch this weekend. I finally aquired a beautiful car - it came with a few issues but those are being aired out! I am so excited I will post a picture as soon as she is ready for her official debut! It was very amusing I get a text from Tyler that says "So we got the car, but there is a huge problem! It is a standard!" The first thought that ran through my mind was "Shit, I have to learn how to drive a stick in two hours so I can make sure that I can drive this car to and from work! IN TRAFFIC NO LESS, how am I going to do that!" So when he got home I quickly realized that it was not a standard in the standard sense. It is a standard transmission, but the car shifts it automatically - that being said I can shift it if I want but the car probably does a better job. Very neat technology!

This week has been so far the least stressful week since I moved back to Houston. I have finally realized the things that are in my control versus the things that aren't. Such as the quickness my apartment gets finished I understand that I can help, and that would speed the process along. The only thing is that my time is occupied full time by my teaching jobs, and I love that!

Kids in both my classes say funny things. My favorite quote from art this week was "If you can draw a squiggly line then you can pretty much draw Swiss Chard." I love those kinds of connections!
My favorite quote from the Montessori School was "This math problem is making me nervous can you please help me?" SO sweet and so innocent! I couldn't help myself to help. We worked through it and the student quickly realized that it wasn't such a big deal after all!

I often remind my students that sometimes we just need to take a step back - especially when we have done a lot of work and take a moment to breathe. Some times we just get so wrapped up in our work that it stresses us out then we get to a problem and suddenly we can't solve it. So it is very important to take that deep breath and take a moment and breathe!

Tyler quit his job at Houston Texas Consulting - he was very unhappy. Not his style of work honestly. So he made a strong proposal and case for my parents to hire him. This was his first week - and so far he has done very well. He made a big sell already and is catching on quick. But most importantly he is enjoying himself! and able to apply his knowledge that he acquired while in school. It is so nice to be able to see that big smile on his face when he comes home. 

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