
Just Plain Cool

I want to open up with some very cool things about nature.

I love taking pictures of things with texture, or that perceive to have texture. I also find it amusing to take pictures of the colors of fruit. 
Downtown Houston and a Bald Cypress - in White Oak Bayou

A very delicious cantaloupe

Graffiti Eggplant
And lastly as I was sitting here enjoying my snack - because more than likely I wont eat dinner I watched a spider snare it's prey and tangle it up in its web. It was quite amusing. I was so much in awe I forgot to video tape it. Here is the aftermath though!

Also I am getting my car this week! Don't worry as soon as it is in my posession I will post a picture of it's glorious beauty! I am so excited! Also I am getting over my cooties infection, thank goodness. I love little kids, but they are so disease ridden!

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